Volume 2

Lessons 72 – 142

New Testament, Lesson 072
The leaven of the Pharisees and Herod; a blind man healed; Peter's confession; Jesus foretells his death; the transfiguration; the boy with unclean spirit: Mark 8:17-38, 9:1-21
New Testament, Lesson 073
A demon possessed boy cured; Jesus foretells his death; issue of who is the greatest; outside preachers accepted; various temptations of sin: Mk. 9:2-50, 10:1-2
New Testament, Lesson 074
Jesus' teaching on divorce; blessing and children; the rich young ruler; Jesus foretelling his death; the request of John and James: Mk. 10:2-40
New Testament, Lesson 075
John and James desire for Top Jobs; the blind receives sight; Jesus enters into Jerusalem; the fig tree cursed; the temple cleansed; Jesus authority questioned; parable of the wicked husbandmen; Mk 10:40-52, 11:1-12:3
New Testament, Lesson 076
The parable of the wicked husbandmen; tax issues; resurrection issue; the great commandment; who is David's son; Mk. 12:3-37
New Testament, Lesson 077
The widow's offering; denouncing hypocrisy in religion; the destruction of the temple and signs of the end; the coming of the son of man; the plot against Jesus; Jesus anointed for his burial; Mk 12:37-44, 13:1-14:11
New Testament, Lesson 078
Jesus eats the last supper with his disciples; Peter's denial foretold; Jesus prays at Gethsemane; the betrayal and arrest of Jesus; Mk. 14:12-42
New Testament, Lesson 079
Jesus before the council; Peter denies Jesus; Jesus before Pilate; Jesus is sentenced to death; Mk 14:43-72, 15:1-20
New Testament, Lesson 080
The crucifixion; the burial of Jesus; the resurrection; Jesus appears to his followers; the commission to the disciples and ascension; Mk.15:21-47, 16:1-20, Luke 1:1-16; The birth of John the Baptist foretold.
New Testament, Lesson 081
Announcing the birth of John and Jesus by Gabriel; Mary visits Elizabeth and their praise of God; the birth and naming of John; Zechariah's prophesy; Luke 1:1-75
New Testament, Lesson 082
Zechariah's prophesy; the Birth of Jesus; the shepherds and the angels; the presentation of Jesus in the temple: Lk 1:76-79, 2:1-41
New Testament, Lesson 083
The boy Jesus in the temple; the preaching of John the Baptist; Lk 2:42-52, 3:1-14
New Testament, Lesson 084
Preaching of John; the genealogy of Christ; the temptation of Jesus and the beginning of ministry; Lk 3:15 - 4:16
New Testament, Lesson 085
Jesus rejected at Nazareth; several healings of casting out of demons; the great catch of fish; cleansing the leper; Lk 4:16 - 5:21
New Testament, Lesson 086
Healing the palsied man; the call of Levi and question about fasting; plucking grain on the Sabbath; healings and choosing the twelve; sermon on the mount; Lk 5:22- 6:35
New Testament, Lesson 087
On judging; knowing by the fruit; building on the rock; healing the centurion's servant; the messengers from John the Baptist; Lk 6:36-7:39
New Testament, Lesson 088
Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee; the women who accompany Jesus; the parable of the sewer; Jesus' mother and brothers; calming the storm; the Gadarene demonical healed; Lk 7:40-8:39
New Testament, Lesson 089
Jairus' daughter raised; healing by touching Jesus's garment; the mission of the 12; John's death; feeding 5000; Jesus' death foretold; transfiguration; healings; Lk 8:39-9:48
New Testament, Lesson 090
Who is the greatest?; Jesus rebukes John and James; following Christ; mission of the 70; unrepentant cities; the good Samaritan; Lk. 9:48 - 10:37
New Testament, Lesson 091
Martha and Mary; Jesus teaches disciples to pray; a divided house cannot stand; Lk. 10:37-11:26