Volume 2

New Testament, Lesson 092
Jesus is blessed; a sign sought from Jesus; the light of the body; Jesus denounces the lawyers of the law; Lk 11:27-50
New Testament, Lesson 093
Warning against hypocrisy; fear; confessing Christ; parable of the rich fool; care and anxiety vs. treasures in heaven; Lk 11:50 - 12:32
New Testament, Lesson 094
Riches in heaven; the watchful and unfaithful servants; Jesus as the cause of division; discerning times; repent or perish; Lk 12:33-13:6
New Testament, Lesson 095
The barren fig tree; a crippled woman healed; parables of mustard seed; parable of leaven; the narrow gate; Jesus laments over Jerusalem; healing the man with dropsy; Lk 13:6-14:10
New Testament, Lesson 096
A lesson to guests and hosts; parable of the great supper; the cost of discipleship; the lost sheep; the lost cow and lost son; Lk 14:11-15:19
New Testament, Lesson 097
Parable of the lost son; the parable of the dishonest steward; the law and the kingdom of God; Lk 15:19-16:23
New Testament, Lesson 098
The rich man and Lazarus; causing sin; faith and duty; healing the ten lepers; Lk 16:23-17:20
New Testament, Lesson 099
The coming of the kingdom; the parable of the widow and the unjust judge; the parable of the Pharisee and publican; Lk 17:20-18:15
New Testament, Lesson 100
Blessing of children; the rich young ruler; Jesus foretelling his death a third time; healing the blind beggar; Jesus and Zaccheus; Lk. 18:15-19:9
New Testament, Lesson 101
The parable of the ten virgins; the triumphal entry into Jerusalem; Jesus cleansing the temple; Jesus' authority questioned; Lk 19:9-20:10
New Testament, Lesson 102
The parable of the wicked husbandmen; tax to Cesar; questions about the resurrection and son of David; the widow's offering; Lk 20:10-21:7
New Testament, Lesson 103
Destruction of the temple and sings of the times; the coming of the son of man; Lk. 21:8-38
New Testament, Lesson 104
The plot against Jesus; the last supper; the dispute about greatness; Peter's denial foretold; Lk 21:38-22:37
New Testament, Lesson 105
Jesus prays in the garden; Jesus' betrayal and arrest; Peter denies Jesus; the mocking and beating of Jesus; before the council and his appearance before Pilate and Herod; Lk 22:38-23:14
New Testament, Lesson 106
Jesus sentenced to die; on the road to crucifixion; Lk 23:14-43
New Testament, Lesson 107
Supernatural signs at the death of Christ; the darkness sets in as the Light is extinguished; Lk 23:43-45; Talmudic teachings about the torah
New Testament, Lesson 108
The end result and nature of the darkness befalling God's people; quotes from the Talmud; Lk 23-43-45
New Testament, Lesson 109
The death and burial of Jesus; the link between the Day of preparation and Pentecost; Lk 23:46-54
New Testament, Lesson 110
Day of preparation and the first Passover in the land; burial and timing of resurrection; Lk 23:54-24:2
New Testament, Lesson 111
The resurrection; Jesus encounter with the two disciples on the way to Emmaus; Lk 24:2-30
New Testament, Lesson 112
On the way to Emmaus; Jesus appears to his disciples; the ascension of Jesus; Lk 24:30-53; the word made flesh; Jn 1:1-8