Volume 2

Teaching The Law, Lesson 207
The Seven Laws & Ingredients For Successful Correction & Reconciliation - Part 1
Teaching The Law, Lesson 208
The Seven Laws & Ingredients For Successful Correction & Reconciliation - Part 2
Teaching The Law, Lesson 209
The Seven Laws & Ingredients For Successful Correction & Reconciliation - Part 3
Teaching The Law, Lesson 210
The Seven Laws & Ingredients For Successful Correction & Reconciliation - Part 4
Teaching The Law, Lesson 211
The Seven Laws & Ingredients For Successful Correction & Reconciliation - Part 5
Teaching The Law, Lesson 212
Genesis 50:15-26, Exodus 1:1-12
Teaching The Law, Lesson 213
Ex. 1:12-22, 2:1-14. Rebellion on the part of Israel delays their redemption by God and Moses.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 214
Ex. 2:14-25, 3:1-6 Our attitude postpone our salvation. God appears to Moses in the burning bush.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 215
Ex. 3:6-4:7. Moses and the burning bush. God reveals his nature to Moses by his name, which should not be limited by mortal man.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 216
Ex. 4:7 - 5:2 Moses is given signs for unbelievers. God's attitude toward circumcision. The journey to Egypt and witness to the elders of Israel.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 217
Ex. 5:2 - 6:20 Moses appears before Pharaoh. From bad to worse, a story of weak faith on the part of Moses and Israel.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 218
Ex. 6:20 - 7:28 Moses's rod and God's judgments. Serpent, blood in the Nile, smiting the Gods of Egypt.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 219
Ex. 7:28 - 9:33 The plagues of frogs, lice, flies & murrain on the cattle & horses. Boils and hail fall on Egypt, yet without repentance on Pharaoh's part.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 220
Ex. 9:34 - 11:10 Plagues of locusts, darkness & death of the first-born. The last plague foretold.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 221
Ex. 12:1 - 18 The ordinance of the Passover & Days of Unleavened Bread and their Biblically ordained timing.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 222
Ex. 12:18 - 41 Instructions and time for the Days of Unleavened Bread. Death of the first born and departure from Egypt.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 223
Ex. 12:41 - Ex. 13:7 Circumcision as a condition to eat the Passover. Consecration of the first born of man and beast.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 224
Ex. 13:8 - 18 Instructions for the Passover and Night to be Observed for the whole family. Departure from Egypt along the Red Sea.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 225
Ex. 13:18 - 15:9 Israel departs from Egypt under Divine protection of the cloud and pillar of fire. Crossing of the Red Sea & Egypt's demise. Song of Triumph.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 226
Ex. 15:10 - 16:10 Song of Moses inspired by God. Bitter water of Marah controversy and complaint of lack of food.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 227
Ex. 16:10 ³ 17:7 The manna story & spiritual implications. Water from the rock.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 228
Ex. 17:7 - 18:16 The Rock of Israel. The Holy War with Amalek. A visit by Jethro.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 229
Ex. 18:16 - 19:6 Moses's father-in-law, Jethro, advises the law giver. An example for those in authority.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 230
Ex. 19:7 - 20:3 Israel the bride is being prepared by Moses, the go between for the marriage covenant.