Volume 1

The Law, Lesson 42
The Identity of the True Church (Part 16) God places "Holy Seed" on shelf for 2800 years; Coming of Christ to Israel; Israel chosen again, gentiles cleave to them.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 43
The Identity of the True Church (Part 17) The false church; Regathering first fruit of Israel; Assyria becomes God's people; Destruction of Satan's system, Israel completes her commission.
The Law, Lesson 44
The Identity of the True Church (Part 18) Redemption of Israel; Grace/Healing/Deliverance of Israel; Reign of Christ; God never cast Israel away.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 45
The Identity of the True Church (Part 19) Christ first/second coming; Israel is God's witness; God pours Spirit on Israel; Deliverance of the elect, all Israel justified.
The Law, Lesson 46
The Identity of the True Church (Part 20) Judah called out of Babylon; Jacob/Christ, the servant of the Lord; Israel-the light and covenant to the nations; Israel delivered from Babylon; Holy city delivered from uncircumcised.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 47
The Identity of the True Church (Part 21) Israel's redeemer dies for his wife, Israel and humanity; Israel to inherit nations; Israel's maker is her husband/redeemer; Spiritual restoration of Israel; God will forgive Israel.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 48
The Identity of the True Church (Part 22) Israel's sins; Zion's redeemer to come back for her; Gentiles bring offerings and restore Israelites to land; Gentiles serve Israel; Royal priesthood.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 49
The Identity of the True Church (Part 23) Israel to be married to God and rebuilt; Judgment of false church, beast; Isaiah bemoans Israel's punishment, prays to restore her.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 50
The Identity of the True Church (Part 24) God's response to Isaiah's prayer; God promises to punish wicked, restore wife/Israel, and make new heaven and earth.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 51
The Identity of the True Church (Part 25) God is married to Israel, will redeem her; Reunification of both kingdoms of Israel; Restoration of Israel out of the north; Resurrection of David; Jacob's trouble and restoration.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 52
The Identity of the True Church (Part 26) Captivity and redemption; The Savior, Israel's God; God's eternal love of wife Israel; New marriage covenant with Israel/Judah.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 53
The Identity of the True Church (Part 27) Future marriage of Israel/Judah based on Law of Sinai not written in hearts; God regathers Israel, gives new heart, makes eternal covenant.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 54
The Identity of the True Church (Part 28) God's offers restoration to remnant of ancient Judah; Jacob offered salvation; Israel's sins blotted out.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 55
The Identity of the True Church (Part 29) Israel-though an unfaithful wife, she won't be rejected.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 56
The Identity of the True Church (Part 30) Lucifer and physical counterparts; false shepherds of Israel-Chief shepherd will deliver His sheep; God's judgment of Israel's enemies Babylon and Edom.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 57
The Identity of the True Church (Part 31) Israel's sins, redemption through new heart/spirit; Resurrection of House of Israel; Gog/Magog attempt to invade newly restored Israel.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 58
The Identity of the True Church (Part 32) God/Jesus destroy Israel's enemies; "Ezekiel's Temple" and Law in Messiah's Kingdom.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 59
The Identity of the True Church (Part 33) "Ezekiel's Temple" in Christ's Kingdom; Law of the Temple; Uncircumcised in Spirit/Flesh not allowed in Christ's temple; Christ's attitude toward straying and faithful spiritual leaders of Israel.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 60
The Identity of the True Church (Part 34) Division of land to Israel's 12 tribes; Jerusalem-learning city and Christ's/Israel's headquarters; Law of temple; Living water under throne; Daniel's prayer and its fulfillment, 70 weeks prophecy and deliverance of holy people.
Teaching The Law, Lesson 61
The Identity of the True Church (Part 35) Deliverance of holy people Israel; 2500 year prophetic history of Israel/Gentiles; Nehemiah's prayer for Israel's covenant; Punishment/restoration of Israel's northern kingdom; Restoration of Israel/marriage of the Lamb to His Bride Israel.
Teaching the Law, Lesson 62
The Identity of the True Church (Part 36) Israel, though God's son and rebellious, will be delivered; God's controversy with Israel-call to repentance; Day of the Lord-trouble of Jacob and pouring of Spirit on him; Last war against Jerusalem-deliverance by Messiah; Israel-the only chosen family; Sifting of Israel/deliverance.