Volume 4

New Testament, Lesson 225
Judgment at Christ's coming; The man of sin; Chosen to salvation; 2 Thes. 1:1-3:4
New Testament, Lesson 226
Prayers for the ministry; Obligation to work; Greetings; Warning against false doctrines; 2 Thes. 3:4-18
New Testament, Lesson 227
Paul's thankfulness for mercy; Instructions for prayer; 1 Tim. 1:9-2:11
New Testament, Lesson 228
Instructions about a woman's role in the Church; Qualifications of leaders in the church; The mystery of God's religion; 1 Tim. 2:11-4:2
New Testament, Lesson 229
Future apostasy; A good servant of Jesus Christ; Responsibilities toward others; 1 Tim. 4:2-5:9
New Testament, Lesson 230
Duties toward fellow men; 1 Tim. 5:10-6:1
New Testament, Lesson 231
Godliness with contentment; The good fight of faith; No shame in service of God; 1 Tim. 6:2-20, 2 Tim. 1:1-19
New Testament, Lesson 232
Serving God without shame; A good soldier of Jesus Christ; An approved workman; 2 Tim. 1:9-2:25
New Testament, Lesson 233
Last days' lawless behavior; Paul's last charge to timothy; 2 Tim. 2:25-4:7
New Testament, Lesson 234
Paul's personal instructions and final greetings; 2 Tim. 4:8-22 Qualifications of elders; Teaching of sound doctrines; Maintaining good works; Titus 1:1-2:6
New Testament, Lesson 235
Teaching sound doctrine; Maintaining good works; Personal instructions; Philemon's love and faith; Paul pleads for one servant; Tit. 2:7-Philemon v. 13
New Testament, Lesson 236
Paul pleads for one servant, a lesson in godly leadership; Faith and humility; Trial and temptation; Philemon vv 14-25 Js. 1:1-22
New Testament, Lesson 237
Hearing and doing the word; Warning against partiality; Js. 1:22-2:11
New Testament, Lesson 238
Faith without works is dead; The tongue; Js. 2:12-3:12
New Testament, Lesson 239
Wistom from above; Friendship of the world; Judging; No boasting in self; Warning to the rich; Js. 3:13-5:9
New Testament, Lesson 240
Patience in prayer; Introduction to Peter; Js. 5:10-20
New Testament, Lesson 241
Introduction to the epistles of peter; The Christian hope and salvation; A call to holy living; 1 Peter. 1:1-18
New Testament, Lesson 242
A call to holy living; Christ the living stone; God's chosen people; 1Pet. 1:18-2:15
New Testament, Lesson 243
Life of servants of God; Example of Christ's suffering; The behavior of wives and husbands; Suffering for righteousness' sake; Good stewards of God's grace; 1 Pet. 2:16-4:10
New Testament, Lesson 244
Suffering as a Christian; Tending the flock of God; Making our election sure; 1 Pet. 4:11-2 Pet. 1:9
New Testament, Lesson 245
Making calling sure; Eye witnesses of Christ's Glory; False prophets and teachers; The promise of the Lord's coming; 2 Pet. 1:10-3:10