Volume 1

New Testament, Lesson 061
Jesus eats his Last supper with the disciples; Peter's denial is foretold; Jesus and disciples walk to Mt. Olives; Mat. 26:18-39
New Testament, Lesson 062
Jesus prays at Gethsemane; betrayal and Arrest of Jesus; his appearance before the council; Mat. 26:40-66
New Testament, Lesson 063
Peter denies Jesus; Jesus before Pilate; death of Judas; questioning and sentencing to death of Jesus; Mat: 26:67-75, 27:1-25
New Testament, Lesson 064
Jesus' death sentence; Pilate's responsibility in scourging and crucifying Christ; The guard at the tomb; Mat. 27:26-64
New Testament, Lesson 065
The resurrection; the report of the guard; Jesus final Commission to the eleven disciples; Mat. 27:65-66, 28:1-20
New Testament, Lesson 066
Mark 1:1-29; the preaching of John the Baptist; the baptism of Jesus; Jesus's temptation and beginning of ministry; casting out the first demon
New Testament, Lesson 067
Healing different afflictions; call of Levi; fasting issue; Sabbath work allowed; preaching to the multitudes; Mk.1:30-45, 2:1-28, 3:1-2
New Testament, Lesson 068
Multitude at sea side; a divided house; mother and brothers of Christ; parable of the sower; Mark 3:3-45
New Testament, Lesson 069
Parable of the sower; different parables; Jesus calming the sea; a demon possessed and healed; a woman with blood issue healed; raising the ruler of the synagogue's daughter
New Testament, Lesson 070
Raising of a young girl; Jesus is rejected in Nazareth; mission of the twelve; death of John the Baptist; feeding the 5,000; Jesus walks on the sea; what defiles the heart; Mark 5:32-43, 6:1-56, 7:1-4
New Testament, Lesson 071
What defiles the heart; the faith of the greek woman and the healing of her daughter; healing the deaf and dumb man; feeding the 4,000; the Pharisees demand for a sign; Mark 7:4-37, 8:1-16