Volume 1

New Testament, Lesson 041
Jesus at Nazareth; the death of John the Baptist; the feeding of the 5,000; Mat. 13: 53-58, 14:1-21
New Testament, Lesson 042
Jesus walks on the sea; healing the sick in genneseret; things that defile; Mat. 14:22-36, 15:1-14
New Testament, Lesson 043
The Canaanite woman's faith; healing the many; feeding the four thousand; demand for a sign; the leaven of the Pharisees; Mat. 15:15-39, 16:1-16
New Testament, Lesson 044
Peter's confession of faith; Jesus foretells his death; Mat. 16:17-28
New Testament, Lesson 045
The transfiguration; healing the boy with unclean spirit; foretelling Jesus' death taxes; who is the greatest; Mat 17: 1-27, 18:1-6
New Testament, Lesson 046
How to deal with offences: Mat. 18:7-20
New Testament, Lesson 047
Parable of unforgiving servant; Jesus teaching of divorce; Mat. 18: 21-35, 19:1-12
New Testament, Lesson 048
Jesus blesses young children; the rich young ruler; laborers in the vineyard; Mat 19:13-20, 20: 1-11
New Testament, Lesson 049
Laborers in the vineyard; Jesus foretells his death; the requests of James and John; Mat. 20:12-28
New Testament, Lesson 050
The blind men receive sight; the triumphal entry into Jerusalem; cleansing the temple; cursing the fig tree; Jesus authority questioned; Mat. 20: 29-34, 21:1-26
New Testament, Lesson 051
Parable of the two sons; parable of the wicked husbandmen; parable of the marriage feast; Mat 21:27-46, 22:1-14
New Testament, Lesson 052
Paying taxes to Cesar; the resurrection question; the great Commandment; Mat. 22:15-40
New Testament, Lesson 053
The identity of the son of David; Jesus denounces the spiritual leadership of his people: Mat 22:41-46, 23:1-13
New Testament, Lesson 054
The double standard and authority of the spiritual leadership; Jesus lament for Jerusalem; Mat. 23:14-39
New Testament, Lesson 055
The destruction of the temple and signs before the end: Mat: 24:1-20
New Testament, Lesson 056
Events preceding Christ' coming; the manner of his coming; no one knows the hour; the unfaithful servant; the parable of the ten virgins; Mat. 24:21-51, 25:1-13
New Testament, Lesson 057
The parable of the talents; the judgment of the nations; Mat 25: 14-36
New Testament, Lesson 058
Final account of our works; leaders plot against Jesus; Jesus anointed at Bethany; Judas agrees to betray Jesus; The ÏLast supperÓ with the disciples; Mat 25:37-46, 26:1-27
New Testament, Lesson 059
Passover background scriptures to Mat 26: 17; Ex. 12:1-22, John 13:1-2, 1 Cor 11:20-3
New Testament, Lesson 060
Mat. 26:18; Paul's teachings of the Lord's Supper: 1 Cor. 11: 20-34