Volume 1

New Testament, Lesson 021
Marriage, Adultery and Divorce Part 9; Dt. 22:23-29; Ex 21:16; Cases of seduction and rape; Dt 21:10-13 Captive wife
New Testament, Lesson 022
Marriage, Adultery and Divorce Part 10; Conclusion, Dt. 21:14; Mat. 5:34
New Testament, Lesson 023
Mat. 5:35-46; Sermon on the mount; Love of enemies; Oaths
New Testament, Lesson 024
Mat 5:46-48, 6:1-10; Sermon on the mount; impartial love; giving charity and the sample prayer
New Testament, Lesson 025
Sermon on the Mount; Mat. 6:11-15; The Sample Prayer
New Testament, Lesson 026
Sermon on the mount; Mat. 6:16-29; fasting; treasures in heaven; light of God versus mammon and materialism
New Testament, Lesson 027
Sermon on the mount; Mat. 6:30-34, 7:1-9; dealing with care and anxiety
New Testament, Lesson 028
Sermon on the mount; Mat 7:10-23; asking for help; walking in the narrow path; fruit of a tree; rejection by Christ
New Testament, Lesson 029
Sermon on the mount; Mat. 7:24-29, 8:1-9; the two foundations
New Testament, Lesson 030
Cleansing the leper; the faithful centurion; healing Peter's mother-in-law; a would be follower Mat. 8:1-29
New Testament, Lesson 031
Jesus casts demons; healing the paralytic man; Mat. 8:30-34, 9:1-6
New Testament, Lesson 032
The call of Matthew and a question about fasting; healing of a ruler's daughter and a woman; healing the two blind; Mat. 9:7-30
New Testament, Lesson 033
The dumb man speaks; the harvest is plenty; choosing the twelve; the mission of the disciples; persecution into the future; Mat 9:31-38, 10:1-22
New Testament, Lesson 034
A commission with persecution to all of Christ's true followers to the end of time; WARNING against fear of the coming sword; Mat. 10:23-27
New Testament, Lesson 035
The sword vs. peace in Christ's preaching; the reward; John's messengers to Christ; his doubts of Christ; Mat. 10:38-42, 11:1-11
New Testament, Lesson 036
John's commission as Elijah; fate of unrepentant cities of Israel. Mat 11:11-26
New Testament, Lesson 037
Finding rest in Christ; plucking grain on the Sabbath; Jesus the lord of the (7th day) Sabbath; Mat. 11:27-30, 21:18
New Testament, Lesson 038
Healing of the man with a withered hand; the chosen servant; a divided house cannot stand, Mat 12:9-32
New Testament, Lesson 039
Sign seekers; return of the unclean spirit; Jesus' mother and brothers; the parables and their purpose; Mat. 12:33-50, 13:1-14
New Testament, Lesson 040
Explanation of the parables: the sower; the wheat and tares; the mustard seed etc., Mat. 13:14-52